Housing Rights
Housing Rights
Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development v. City
of Garden Grove(Orange County Superior Court, Case No. 30-2019-01102770, 2019).
Represented non-profit community organization and successfully obtained a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction preventing the illegal sale of an approximately 100-acre greenfield in park poor area of Santa Ana. This lawsuit forced the City of Garden Grove, which owns the land, to comply with the Surplus Land Act, which requires cities to prioritize land they no longer need for use as affordable housing and park space. -
Kirshman v. Airbnb, Inc. et al (Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No.: BC-604504 2018).
In the first case of its kind, Plaintiffs alleged that landlords and Airbnb were liable for evicting long term tenants from their apartments and then renting the apartments as short term rentals. Landlords settled for $775,000. (link to KCRW show). -
Flores v. Stern (2009).
In a ground-breaking Los Angeles case against a slumlord, Hadsell & Stormer represented 15 families in a fiercely litigated habitability suit against the current and former landlords of an apartment building at 721 Westlake Avenue in the MacArthur Park district of the Los Angeles. Our attorneys recovered a record setting settlement of more than $4.5 million against the defendants who allowed the property to fall into egregious disrepair (2009). -
Confidential Slumlord Case (2003).
In this high-profile matter, Hadsell & Stormer represented 11 Latino families whose Echo Park apartment building collapsed in the middle of the night resulting in significant injuries and a loss of housing. The matter settled for more than $4.75 million, one of the largest settlements of its kind.
Let Us Fight For You!
Barbara Hadsell Partner
Dan Stormer Partner
Randy Renick Partner
Cornelia Ho-Chin Dai Partner
Hanna Chandoo Partner
Brian Olney Partner
Morgan Ricketts Partner
David Clay Washington Partner
Isela Barrios Partner (Legal Fund)
Denise Ballesteros Partner (Legal Fund)
Valeria De Gonzalez Partner (Legal Fund)
Nancy Hanna Partner (Legal Fund)
Sarah Cayer Attorney
Rebecca Brown Attorney
Kate McFarlane Attorney
Victor Valdez Attorney
Santiago Villegas Law School Graduate
Andrea Loera Attorney
Bina Ahmad Associate Attorney
Contact Us Today
Call Hadsell Stormer Renick & Dai LLP at (626) 775-7870 or fill out the form below.