Pasadena Sexual Harassment Lawyers
Los Angeles Area Sexual Harassment Legal Advocates
At Hadsell Stormer Renick & Dai LLP, our accomplished attorneys are committed to taking decisive legal action for employees who have experienced sexual harassment and sex discrimination in the workplace. Our firm has been fighting sexual harassment in workplaces across Pasadena and the surrounding areas since 1991.
Reliable Support for Sexual Harassment Victims
Few employment law firms in Southern California or nationally surpass our experience. Our compassionate legal professionals are here to assist if you are being sexually harassed by coworkers or facing other forms of deliberate mistreatment from your employer.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our law firm so we can discuss your situation and determine the best strategy for moving forward with your case. Call (626) 775-7870 for a free consultation.
Defining Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
There are two types of sexual harassment: “quid pro quo" harassment and hostile work environment. Quid pro quo" harassment occurs when someone conditions a term of employment on submitting to unwanted sexual advances, while hostile work environment harassment occurs when an employee is subjected to unwanted and offensive comments, gestures, images, etc.
If you have encountered any of the following behaviors at work, then you might have grounds for a sexual harassment lawsuit:
- Unwanted sexual advances or demands for sexual favors or attention under threat of firing, demotion, or disciplinary action
- Retaliation by a workplace superior for ending a sexual relationship
- Your boss tolerates lewd, suggestive, or explicit comments and behavior
- Unwelcome touching, staring, leering, or unwanted gifts that are sexual or romantic in nature
- Sexually explicit physical contact
- Insults based on your sex or gender identity
- Your boss or co-workers ask intrusive questions about your private life
- Rumors about your sex life were spread about the workplace
- A supervisor or manager requested you perform sexual favors in exchange for a raise or job promotion
- Sexually explicit materials or photos are allowed to be displayed in the workplace
- Your boss or co-workers make sexual suggestions or sexually explicit comments via memos or emails
Steps to Take After Experiencing Sexual Harassment
If you have experienced sexual harassment at work, you should immediately report the incident or incidents to your company’s Human Resource Department. Reporting the incident will put pressure on your employer to adequately resolve the issue and also creates a traceable record that shows you took the necessary steps to report and end the harassment. It is also a good idea to keep a written record of each incident of sexual harassment you experience at work. Make sure to include the dates and the names of any witnesses.
Our Commitment to Ending Workplace Harassment
Our Pasadena sexual harassment attorneys have had numerous case successes. One of our lawyers even became the subject of a 1993 made-for-television movie, With Hostile Intent. Representing two female police officers harassed and threatened by their male co-workers, attorney Barbara Enloe Hadsell built a compelling case that went to trial and brought a $4 million judgment against the City of Long Beach.
Other notable outcomes we’ve obtained for our clients in workplace harassment cases included:
- A $1.1 million settlement of a sexual harassment lawsuit against a national law firm
- A $750,000 settlement of a case against the Los Angeles Fire Department on behalf of four female firefighters
- An $870,000 settlement in a sexual harassment case against a television company
Contact Us for Personalized Legal Support in Pasadena
Hadsell Stormer Renick & Dai LLP takes great pride in our ability to compassionately and objectively handle sexual harassment claims. We know this area of law can be intensely emotional and sensitive, which is why you can depend on our diverse team of dedicated lawyers to prioritize your own and your family’s privacy to the greatest possible extent. Our Pasadena sexual harassment lawyers will provide genuine support on a personal level throughout the duration of your case.
If you would like to learn more about your rights and how you can stop sexual harassment in your workplace, please call (626) 775-7870 for a free case consultation.
Let Us Fight For You!
Barbara Hadsell Partner
Dan Stormer Partner
Randy Renick Partner
Cornelia Ho-Chin Dai Partner
Hanna Chandoo Partner
Brian Olney Partner
Morgan Ricketts Partner
David Clay Washington Partner
Isela Barrios Partner (Legal Fund)
Denise Ballesteros Partner (Legal Fund)
Valeria De Gonzalez Partner (Legal Fund)
Nancy Hanna Partner (Legal Fund)
Sarah Cayer Attorney
Rebecca Brown Attorney
Kate McFarlane Attorney
Victor Valdez Attorney
Santiago Villegas Law School Graduate
Andrea Loera Attorney
Bina Ahmad Associate Attorney
Contact Us Today
Call Hadsell Stormer Renick & Dai LLP at (626) 775-7870 or fill out the form below.