How To Tell if You Are the Victim of Gender Discrimination

People may be treated differently as work because of their gender, and this may inhibit their ability to grow.

Millions of people across the country leave home to go to work every day. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide a safe work environment where people can perform their job to their full potential. A number of workers in California and throughout the U.S., however, become unwilling victims of discrimination in the workplace. Although there are many different types of discrimination, including racial, sexual and religious discrimination, gender bias is one of the most common. A number of people are treated differently because of their gender, which can affect a person’s ability to grow within their career and develop opportunities for the future.

The faces of gender discrimination

While some people may notice that they are being treated differently than other men or women associates working in the same position, they may not fully understand the consequences of gender discrimination. Not only can discrimination lower the overall morale in the workplace, it can reduce productivity and contribute to a general decline in a company’s success. Companies that discriminate against workers for any reason run the risk of ruining their business altogether.

People who are unsure of whether they are the victim of gender discrimination may want to look for certain signs of bias. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • The interview process may have differed from other people who were applying for the same position.
  • They receive a different rate of pay than other associates who have the same job experience as they do.
  • Their compensation package, such as sick leave, vacation, 401k contributions and insurance, may differ from other employees.
  • They have been propositioned to perform extra tasks, such as sexual favors, in order to gain access to better opportunities within the company.

People who are victims of gender discrimination may have been passed over for promotions that were given to a person of the opposite sex, even though they were fully qualified to perform in that position.

Receiving fair treatment

You deserve to be treated fairly at work, and should be given the same opportunities as everyone else. When you are the victim of gender discrimination, you may feel discouraged and depressed. It may seem nearly impossible to work in a negative and abusive environment. If these signs of gender discrimination seem familiar, you may want to seek legal counsel from an attorney in California. A lawyer who handles cases that deal with employment law may be extremely helpful to your situation.

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