Your new job may be a lifelong achievement, or may just be the next job in a line of many that simply makes ends meet.  Regardless, you should be ready for the learning curve expected of newcomers to the organization. If you take part in new employee orientation, part of the presentation will focus on salient parts of the employee handbook. Before you subject this to the back part of your memory, there are some important points to consider.  As such, this post will highlight a few elements that your handbook should have. 

Compensation scales and policies – You probably know how much you will be paid before you review the handbook (whether you are an hourly or salaried employee), but your handbook should include information about overtime pay, bonuses and changes to your compensation based on annual performance reviews.

Anti-discrimination policies – Indeed, your new employer must adhere to state and federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, sex, or religion or other established protected classes. Your handbook should also have some statements prohibiting harassment of other employees.

Time off policies – Your handbook should detail procedures for requesting time off, as well as how specialized leave works (i.e. paternity leave, maternity leave or FMLA leave).

Standards of Conduct – Additionally, expect to be shown details on how the company maintains a successful business culture. This may include information on office dress codes and ethical obligations.

If you have questions about your employee handbook, an experienced employment law attorney can help. 

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